No solution is one-size-fits all; we're in the unique situation of developing the sequel to a critically acclaimed title, namely Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten.
The pre-order page for DEFQ2 looks like this:

This is heavily influenced by starbound's preorder page, and it solves several key problems I find with the way Kickstarter displays rewards.
Visual Clarity
First of all, what you see is what you get. All of the rewards are represented by visual icons, and cumulative rewards from previous tiers can be added. For example, our book tier includes a digital art/story book, as well as all previous rewards: the game's soundtrack (from the music tier), and games (from the game tier).

Just by looking at this tier, you know immediately what you're going to get -- everything in the box. And if you want detailed information, you can click on the "more details..." box which will expand and lay things out explicitly:

And just to be super-compulsively clear, when you click "buy now," it takes you to a new page with a Humble Store pre-order widget, puts all the details in a box below, and replaces the "all of the above" line with the actual descriptions from cumulative tiers.
Compare this to a typical kickstarter reward tier.

The developer has to cram the reward text into a narrow box, and has no formatting options whatsoever. You can't separate important information in a smaller box under "more details," you can't put the "Note" in italics or a smaller font, and you can't even create a proper title for the tier and set it in bold. It all runs together.
Worst of all, relating how cumulative tiers work is confusing at best, which is why the "...and all of the above" convention has become so popular, and thus expected.
You can't always follow the "all of the above" model (especially for more expensive limited tiers), and developers who break with that format are then reduced to creating charts to explain exactly what each tier provides:

I'd like to reiterate that I'm not knocking Cosmic Star Heroine or Zeboyd Games for this. Not only am I a big fan (I totally baked CSH), but this is pretty much how you have to explain things if you use Kickstarter.
CSH clearly isn't hurting from using Kickstarter -- they made their goal and then some. I just think there are much simpler and clearer ways to present rewards, and Kickstarter's format kinda locks you in a box.
"Comparison is the thief of joy" -- Teddy Roosevelt
Kickstarter campaigns don't exist in a vaccuum, so backers tend to compare campaigns against one another. Given KS's standardized pitch format, this makes it very easy to line up A vs. B, and thus puts a lot of pressure on you to standardize your pitch accordingly, even if that pitch doesn't play to your strengths.
For instance, the "Talking Heads" video format, complete with professional lighting, editing, and sound, has become quite popular and even expected (even if some developers eschew it). If you're launching on Kickstarter, the video takes center stage.
But what if you don't want to make your pitch that way? Videos are important, but I'd rather let my actual pitch do the pitching, and make the video a simple, direct, summary, sans talking heads:
My wife is fond of pointing out "social inflation" -- for instance, weddings started as simple ceremonies but now have expensive dresses and rehearsal dinners, brunches, etc. Kickstarter started as a simple crowdfunding format, but then professional videos, complicated reward schemes, and stretch goal after stretch goal got added to the mix.
There's many sane video game Kickstarters, for sure -- I just want to avoid the inflationary pressure of that environment entirely.
We also aren't interested in doing any physical rewards, given the massive boondoggle that has been for other developers. The whole point of this is to make the game happen sooner, not later, and therefore all rewards are either directly related to game production (such as naming a monster in our special "ending credits" bonus battle after you), or at least by-products of it (such as the digital art&story book).
And don't even get me started on "stretch goals." Suffice it to say, we won't have any.
Kickstarter can make fulfillment a bit of a chore, since it's not really a content delivery platform.
Humble Store definitely makes fulfillment easy, since they're all about delivering digital content. As soon as something's ready, we just upload the bits to their servers, and the backers get their stuff.
For instance, we give out free copies of Defender's Quest I with every pre-order, so the basic game tier represents a savings of about 57% off the two games bundled together at full price. With Humble store, people who preorder Defender's Quest II today will get their DEFQ1 keys immediately.
Final Thoughts
Aside from the above concerns, Kickstarter is really designed for a specific kind of campaign - one where you won't do the project if you don't get the money, and you are raising money for a limited amount of time.
Not only are we committed to Defender's Quest II's development regardless of how much we raise, we see no reason to limit pre-orders to 30 or 60 days. Furthermore, Kickstarter's payment options are limited because of their unique "all or nothing" system.
There are some cons with running our own site. You have the burden of making your own custom front-end, and Humble Store is not (yet) as feature-rich as Kickstarter (letting backers upgrade their tiers by tacking on X$ is technically possible, but not automated), and various other minor issues.
That said, I like having a closer relationship with our fans. No muss, no fuss, simple and direct -- Defender's Quest II is happening, and if you want to get a discount or some exclusive early backer rewards, you can pre-order it today.
Hmm... I'm sort of interested in pre-ordering, but as a fairly early adopter of the first DQ (January 2012) I'm not particularly interested in buying another copy of that. It's not $35 worth of stuff for $15 to me, it's $20 worth of stuff for $15. Now that's still a good deal, but it's quite noticeably less of a good deal.
In fact, if I apply the proportional difference between $35 and $15 to what I assume to be DQII's full price ($20), it comes out at $8.57. That's way too low, but it'd be nice if there was a cheaper option with just DQII (maybe just for previous owners of DQ?).
I'm coming across as really stingy, sorry. What I'm trying to say is that the $15 option is a total steal for those who don't have the first game, but is nowhere near as attractive for those who are already customers of yours.
Disclaimer, I haven't actually read this full blog post yet (I was distracted by the news that DQII is up for pre-order) so apologies if you've actually covered all of this already.
Crap. I just bought it but forgot to check that it would (properly) support GNU/Linux x86_64. I got burned on the first game. Would like to actually play this one.
We'll have much better linux support this time around since we're using Haxe.
Also, if you never got the original game running on your system of choice, send me a support message at leveluplabs@gmail.com and we'll refund you.
A well written and thoughtful view on current crowdfunding developments.
Slightly overshadowed by "Oh my God, Defender's Quest 2! I want that, now now now! Look at that turtle!!"
I love these little industry insights as well though, thank you for the consistently interesting posts.
I'll definitely be getting DQ2, probably through this very pre-order even.
To the person who already has DQ1 and feels he's not getting quite as much value:
Remember that you can always gift the DQ1 key to somebody else. You'll make somebody very happy with that.
This looks great Lars. Definitely a great way to run pre-orders (with the KS-like tiers and the public stats & totals), but as you say it's really only going to work for a sequel. Look forward to this being a big success :)
Thanks Lars. I bought it through Desura and got a refund from them (and for a couple of other games I bought at the same time that also wouldn't run at all).
@Hemebond: You bought it on Desura? Thaaaat might explain it, we had very low sales on Desura (like, 30 total), so I kind of abandoned that storefront.
Send me a quick support email at leveluplabs@gmail.com, we have way better updated builds of DEFQ1 available on Humble Store, and we added a lot of tweaks to bully Adobe AIR into submission, it worked for most of our linux users. This one's on the house :)
@Lars So you did end up using Haxe for DQ2, that's awesome. We talked about it briefly a while back and it inspired me to take the language for a spin. It was fantastic! Using Haxeflixel, a non-game-designer like me was able to spit out a simple platformer in just a couple weeks in my spare time.
Anyway, is there any chance that you could write a blog post about your experience with Haxe? I'd love to hear how the language fares in the long haul.
Yeah, I definitely need to write something about Haxe. Here's the short version for now:
1) I really like it
2) It's not *magic*, you have to understand the edge cases
3) Even given 2), it's waaay better then re-writing your game X times for X different platforms.
I know I'm pretty late to this post (got here through steamgifts!), but have you considered running a kickstarter with a fairly low goal, say $500, just for the added exposure? I understand that it's not exactly what you want, but not everyone expects a talking heads video, and you can always refer back to your website for more info - also, you can simply state in the description that there's other payment methods available through your website for people who check kickstarter but don't actively back things.
There's also quite a lot of precedent for projects that have said that any excess money goes to making a better end product rather than stretch goals (Night in the woods is one that's running right now), so people apparently aren't averse to that either.
Something to consider I guess. I'm someone who checks kickstarter regularly and only stumbled upon the steamgifts thing by chance, and I love the demo of 1 you've put up on the website and I want it and I want it now. In fact, when the steamgifts thing ends if I don't win it I'll simply get a pre-order. But I'd love for this great game to have as much exposure as possible!
(sorry for the rant)
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